Inspire Others to Achieve Their Full Potential

Who is advocating for you?


The quality and depth of your interactions with healthcare providers can have a  powerful influence on the speed and length of your recovery.

A thorough analysis of the ultimate patient experience must go beyond the medical  aspect of patient care- it starts with the initial phone call and takes into  consideration every interaction that follows- especially those involving the front  desk.

The best clinicians listen to every detail of their patients’ concerns, so they are  better equipped to make clearer decisions and ultimately, help patients achieve  their full potential.

Shouldn’t we have the same approach in regards to all of the other aspects of  patient care?

Whether it’s dealing with an insurance company, a medical institution or a difficult  case manager, navigating through the loop-holes of the patient experience is just  as much of an art as the treatment, itself.

At ProMet Physical Therapy, we Go The Extra Mile!

We advocate on behalf of our patients- intent on providing not only the best care,  but the best overall experience from Soup to Nuts!

We educate all of our patients on the insurance processes, act as ambassadors on  their behalf in dealing with other medical offices and do it all with a smile!

Don’t take our word for it, choose the ProMet Physical Therapy team and find out  what the ultimate experience feels like for yourself.


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