Inspire Others to Achieve Their Full Potential

Reinvent Yourself?


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Reinvent Yourself?

On numerous occasions as of late, I have heard people say,

“Now is a great time to reinvent your-self.”
What are we really saying?

Everyone has been affected in some way or another by the Coronavirus
Pandemic. Considering what the government knew about the details of the virus
as early as January, it’s hard comprehend just how unprepared we were. You

may feel the same way about your readiness level?

How can you be ready for something you can’t control? The answer is the same
OF PREPAREDNESS. If you already had a culture of discipline built on
emotional intelligence, where the extra mile is the norm and excellence is
measured in actionable results- in the times of a COVID-19 pandemic, all you’d
have to do is BE YOURSELF. When being yourself means externalizing who you
are internally, you realize you are NEVER in control- you just learn to adapt and

thrive outside of the comfort zone.

The first step in tackling hard times is to have a well-established purpose- the
driver of all intention. A strong “WHY” will surely lead to the creation of a
system of unbreakable core values, respected and guarded by all team members.

Ours are quite simple:
1) Win the Moment
2) Pick Each Other UP
3) Inspire others

Basically, we are in the business of treating people like humans, utilizing
empathy and emotional intelligence in all we do and inspiring everyone around

us to win!

The ProMet Physical Therapy Team is built for times like these, remaining laser
focused on inspiring and uplifting all of those around us- consistently
demonstrating our dedication to our mission and our patients

in ALL interactions.

The key here is to actually have a mission! The rollout of our Telehealth
program: GO LIVE WITH PROMET is a recent success and has enabled us to go
the extra mile, and providing essential services to our patients, seamlessly from

the comfort of their homes.

Instead of “Reinventing” we are really saying is: If you have a plan in the “good

times” all you have to do is adapt during the bad. The mission stays the same-
we’re just fighting a different battle right now and we’re all in this together,

right? In good times and in bad, if you are unaccepting that the world is

changing, you are holding yourself back!

Now is the moment. It often takes a terrible situation as the one we are facing

now to enlighten people and organizations as to what is truly important in life-
our families, our health, freedom and happiness. If your goal IS to truly inspire

people and your entire organization makes it their purpose to consistently act in
this manner, you too, can adapt to hard times without reinventing yourself. If
you know your purpose, fears become concerns, concerns become goals and then
success ONLY depends on how strong the relationships in your organization


After all, the bigger the dream, the more important the team!

Follow @ProMetPT

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