Spring has sprung and youth baseball season is right around the corner (if it hasn’t already begun). As anticipating as the start of the MLB season was, we can imagine so has the little league season. With plenty of weeknight and weekend games in the coming months, it’s important to note that arm care is not only important for high school, collegiate and professional baseball players, but especially for our youth.
A common issue we as physical therapists see in youth baseball players is referred to as “Little Leaguer’s Elbow”. This diagnosis refers to medial (inner side) elbow pain of the athlete’s throwing arm. Often times the injuries do not require extreme measures of intervention such as surgery, but would require rehabilitation such as physical therapy.
When looking at our younger baseball players, we’re not only looking at the site of where the symptoms are, but addressing the faults in other areas that have caused a breakdown in their throwing mechanics that have led to the issue. Strengthening of the shoulder and shoulder blade muscles are one aspect of rehab or one slice, but that’s not the whole pie. Addressing deficits in lower body and upper body mobility, core strength and both throwing and non-throwing side strength are extremely important in reducing symptoms and preventing similar issues further down the road.
If you have a little leaguer who’s experiencing issues with throwing, one of our licensed physical therapists can help to get your little leaguer back to throwing and competing. Come to one of our three locations in Glendale, Kew Gardens (soon to be Briarwood) or Manhasset to get started today!
Christian Cardenas, PT, DPT, CSCS