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Knowledge Isn’t Power


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Knowledge Isn’t Power

When we are in pain or distress we look for doctors and specialists that “know

what to do”.

It goes something like this…”Doc, I just can’t take this pain anymore. Tell me

what to do and I’ll do it.”

They may give us “things” to take or do- intended to alleviate our symptoms.
If these “things” don’t work, they give us different “stuff”- injections, pills, elixirs

or even exercises that have short-term results at best.

Most physicians and clinicians tell you “what to do” and “what to take”- but why

do our symptoms exist in the first place?

Under every symptom is an underlying problem-
and another symptom- and yet another problem- and on and on.

Pealing back these layers is imperative in order to truly attack the cause of our


But pealing these layers back takes courage- we may have to let go of old habits or

prior assumptions about what we know.

Courage to accept and make changes we need to live the life we want.
The most successful doctors in the world can attest that true healing can only occur

when patients are empowered!

Make sure that your doctor (physical therapist) encourages you to look under the

layers of your symptoms.

Find ones that motivate you to look deeper and encourage you to think for


The best physicians and clinicians should inspire you to achieve through self-
reflection and authentic power!

Knowledge is power?

The USE of knowledge is the real power!

This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps the

end of the beginning.
-Winston Churchill

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