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5 Barriers to Exercise During COVID


Exercise has a whole host of benefits. Apart from weight loss, it keeps your heart healthy, muscles strong, and helps you manage stress! While some people may have conditions that they believe prevent them from exercising, the truth is that any form of exercise is good for you—even if it’s just a few minutes of walking a day.

In fact, some people exercise regularly through the form of physical therapy, which helps you regain mobility in areas that were impacted by injury.  This is why exercise is important—it can help you get stronger and back on your feet!

Here are five barriers to exercise we may have hear or experienced before and how we can try to overcome them:

‘I’m Too Old’ / I Haven’t Moved In a While

It doesn’t matter how old you are or how late you’ve started exercising. The good news is that physical activity at any age is extremely beneficial. It keeps you healthier for longer, which also means that it can help improve the quality of your lifespan. With the appropriate amount of exercise that’s tailored to your age and physical ability, you’ll boost your immune system and improve memory and brain functions—and those benefits are good enough to start moving!

You Experience Pain

It can be difficult to feel encouraged to exercise when it brings you pain. Luckily, that’s what physical therapy is for! The Professional physical therapists at ProMet Physical Therapy understand the movements that will help improve your quality of life and health without putting you through unnecessary discomfort . They also know how to address the pain you experience when you exercise and help you manage it safely.

You Don’t Have Equipment or a Gym Membership

Thanks to technology, you don’t need to go to a gym or buy equipment to get some exercise in for the day. Simply jogging around your home, going up and down the stairs, or even dancing to your favorite music can help you burn some calories and get those muscles moving. There are also plenty of videos online that you can use to work out that don’t need fancy equipment. You can do body-weight exercises or even improvise on weighted exercises, like using canned food, detergent, or water jugs to help use for strengthening your muscles.

You Don’t Have Time

There are plenty of exercises that have been designed to fit into a busy schedule. You don’t have to exercise for hours every day—in fact, short bursts of physical activity a few times a day can be extremely beneficial to you! If you take about five minutes of each hour for six hours, you’ll come up with a total of thirty minutes of exercise, which can already help you feel better. This will only work if these exercises are meant to increase your heart rate, like jogging or using a jump rope.

You Feel Tired All the Time

Getting the motivation to work out can be tricky—especially if you are constantly fatigued. The thought of expending even more energy might turn you off from exercise.

The good news is that exercising has shown to improve energy levels, which will help you stay more awake and motivated throughout the day! It improves the flow of oxygen and other nutrients to our vascular system while encouraging other body functions to work more competently. If you feel tired all the time from having difficulty sleeping, physical activity can actually help you sleep better at night!


Exercise, when done properly, is extremely important for our health. It is also advantageous to other important aspects, such as managing stress and anxiety. The great part about exercise is that it can be done by anyone at any age and, for the most part, anywhere. Moving is an essential part of living, and it helps us enjoy it, too!

Looking for physical therapy in Glendale, NY? Get in touch with us at ProMet Physical Therapy! We are a physical therapy clinic with state-of-the-art equipment and a highly-skilled team of professionals who also service Kew Gardens and Manhasset. We can also help you stay active and healthy, even from the comfort of your own home. Explore our e-Treatments today!

Start Your Journey Today at ProMet Physical Therapy!

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