Postural Restoration Therapy

If you struggle with balance, movement, and body composition, Postural Restoration Therapy (PRI®) could help. ProMet PT’s physical therapists work to reposition your body into proper bone and muscle alignment using proven techniques tailored to your unique needs. The human body isn’t symmetrical, and each side is responsible for different systems and functionality that require proper positioning and balance. We recognize the natural imbalances in your body and the challenges that arise from overuse.

Learn more about our postural restoration therapy and how we help you rediscover your best self and peak performance.

Why Do We Need Postural Restoration Therapy?

Postural Restoration Therapy addresses the imbalances that naturally occur in our body to work harmoniously together. Some organs, such as the adrenal gland and spleen, are located on the left side of your body, while the gallbladder is on the right. Over time, the asymmetrical tendencies in our body can create postural issues and are often exaggerated by occupational demands and lifestyle. Our physical therapists recognize the unique needs of our patients and how postural restoration therapy can help with a customized plan.

What Happens When Our Body Isn’t in Alignment?

When our bodies fall out of alignment with poor posture and imbalances, we often experience musculoskeletal pain and dysfunctions, including back, neck, hip, knee and other aches. Over time, these issues may turn chronic and change the way we move our bodies, further aggravate the issues, and lead to new symptoms and issues.

Depending on what you’re struggling with, the team at ProMet PT may recommend PRI® to address the root cause of the issues. We work to correct your postural imbalances to manage your pain and help you tap into better ways to move your body. PRI® also addresses chronic conditions, such as arthritis or repetitive strain injuries in athletes. If you are an athlete looking to enhance performance, correcting your postural imbalances also helps improve your overall efficiency. We work to improve your posture and alignment to help manage your systems while improving your overall quality of life.

Get a Customized Postural Restoration Therapy Treatment Plan

Postural restoration therapy is not a quick-fix, one-time solution. It requires collaboration between you and your physical therapist with active participation to see results. We assess your condition and may recommend PRI® on its own or as part of a broader plan that targets your individual needs and long-term goals. We customize exercises based on your assessment to correct imbalances while improving your overall alignment and restoring functional movement patterns. Postural restoration therapy also emphasizes the importance of your natural breathing, and you’ll learn ways to optimize your diaphragm function and overall postural balance that help address your specific areas of pain or discomfort.

Depending on your needs, your physical therapist may also recommend a combined treatment plan with strength and conditioning or sports physical therapy. Focusing on personalized strength and conditioning programs build on the improved alignment and function that PRT offers. Athletes often combine postural restoration therapy with sports-specific therapy and training to enhance their ability, further reduce their risk of injury, and address any existing sport-related imbalances or dysfunctions that are holding them back from their peak performance.

Learn Long-Term Tools for Your Success

Beyond helping you rediscover a new normal and peak performance, postural restoration therapy also teaches you tools to thrive over the long-term. From a better way to move your body to addressing chronic pain or avoiding recurrent injury, the physical therapists at ProMet PT periodically reassess your progress. We may make adjustments to your treatment plan and recommended new exercises as needed. Our goal is to empower you to succeed, whether you’re an athlete or looking for relief from chronic pain and ailments.

Next Steps

Postural restoration therapy can dramatically improve your life after surgery, an injury, overtraining, or other medical issues. The ProMet Physical Therapy team offers a unique style with a common focus on YOU. In order to aid you in healing your body and mind as a whole rather than just the area affected by an injury, our treatment plans take into account every aspect of your condition, life, and goals. Ready to take control of your recovery with postural restoration therapy? Call us at (718)880-2385 or request an appointment here.

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