Physical Therapy Glendale NY

When you’re injured, experiencing athletic over-training, or can no longer move without pain, you need Physical Therapy Glendale, NY. No matter your age, physical therapy plays a crucial role in restoring and improving physical function, enhancing mobility, and alleviating pain. It’s an all-encompassing approach to getting you back to your best self to make the most of your life.

The team at Pro Met PT offers a comprehensive approach to how physical therapy interacts with your whole self, from the human body to mental wellness. We employ a combination of evidence-based techniques and a customized approach to help you live comfortably and recover mobility after an injury, surgery, or other issues. Here’s a look at what we offer and how we can help you overcome your challenges.

Conditions Treated by Physical Therapy

Pain management is not reserved for the most athletic or our senior citizens. Instead, physical therapy Glendale NY addresses a wide spectrum of conditions, ranging from acute injuries to chronic illnesses. Some common conditions that our therapists treat include:

Orthopedic Conditions: Our knowledgeable physical therapists can help you recover from orthopedic surgeries, fractures, and conditions like osteoarthritis, tendonitis, and scoliosis. Beyond recovery, we also offer pain treatment plans to help reduce symptoms and treat the root cause of your condition.

Sports Injuries: Athletes across the Tri-State area turn to our physical therapists for rehabilitation after injuries such as sprains, strains, and torn ligaments. For example, our roster of boxers come to us due to injuries from over-training or deep fatigue that can be addressed with a combination of sports therapy and physical therapy Glendale NY.

Neurological Disorders: Are you suffering from a neurological condition? If you or a loved one are dealing with the aftermath of a stroke, spinal cord injuries, or multiple sclerosis, we can help improve your mobility and regain more independence.

Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation: When you have surgery for heart conditions or are dealing with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), you need physical therapy Glendale NY. We can help get you get back on your feet and rebuild your endurance to live a more satisfying life.

Pediatric Conditions: Some of our youngest patients are coping with developmental delays, cerebral palsy, or other genetic disorders. Your pediatrician may recommend early intervention from physical therapists.

Geriatric Care: Our senior citizens struggle with remaining independent while ensuring their safety while living alone. Physical therapy Glendale NY plays a vital role to help maintain mobility while avoiding the risk of falls and fractures.

Chronic Pain Management: Our physical therapists can also work on managing and alleviating chronic pain conditions, including fibromyalgia and chronic lower back pain to improve your quality of life and shift the focus from discomfort. Close up image of therapists hands working someone's leg to convey the imprtance of physical therapy glendale ny

Get Personalized Care

We work with our team of highly skilled Doctors of Physical Therapy that take a personalized, one-on-one approach to your care. We’re here to make your life better through the power of physical therapy and improve your medical condition. We go beyond treating your symptoms, but work with your body as a whole to design a treatment plan that impacts you for the maximum benefit.

We take the time to listen to your concerns and feedback on what’s been going on with your life. We’ll solve the issue while connecting with you one-on-one so you always feel empowered. We work as your partner and collaborator in helping you live your best life.

Embrace Different Modalities

Beyond physical therapy, our team may also recommend specific treatments to meet your needs. For example, if you’re having difficulty walking after surgery or an accident, we may recommend gait training to help you regain your balance and mobility. Or if you’re dealing with an athletic injury, we may also add Kensio taping to help improve lymphatic drainage while improving muscle contraction, posture, and overall movement.

Next Steps

Physical training Glendale NY can dramatically improve your life after surgery, an injury, over-training, or other medical issues. The ProMet Physical Therapy team offers a unique style with a common focus on YOU. Our treatment plans take into consideration every aspect of your condition, life, and goals to help you heal your body and mind, not just the area impacted with an injury. Ready to take control of your recovery with physical therapy Glendale NY? Call us at ((718)880-2385 or request an appointment here.

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