Cindy Pham

Education: Doctor of Physical Therapy Degree

From the vibrant streets of Bronx, NY, Cindy Pham embarked on a remarkable journey that led her to the prestigious halls of Mercy University, where she earned her Doctorate in Physical Therapy. Fascinated by the human body and its astounding capabilities, Cindy was drawn to the field of Physical Therapy (PT) for its holistic approach to health – treating the body as a temple and focusing on both physical and psychological rehabilitation.

Cindy’s passion for PT is rooted in a belief that understanding a patient goes beyond their pain and diagnosis. This philosophy has guided her through an enriching career, especially in her area of interest: sports medicine and rehabilitation. With a love for orthopedics and neurology, she revels in the complexities of each case, working tirelessly to assist patients from all walks of life without limitation to specific diagnoses. Her experience spans across various domains, including sports medicine, neurology with a focus on post-stroke and Parkinson’s recovery, pediatrics, and orthopedic care aftermath.

Looking ahead, Cindy’s professional aspirations include enhancing her expertise by obtaining a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) certification and imparting her knowledge and experience as an adjunct professor to nurture future PT professionals.

Beyond her professional life, Cindy is a fervent advocate for physical activity and continually challenges her physical and mental boundaries. Whether it’s skiing, tennis, golfing, or exploring new hobbies, she believes in the power of movement and the importance of pushing oneself. Her culinary skills and love for cooking also play a significant role in her life, adding another layer to her multifaceted personality.

“Have faith in yourself that you can handle whatever life throws at you” – Cindy Pham

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